Try, Try Again

Competition: Atlantia Royal Baker, March 2020

Entry contained: a pear tart and caraway-orange blossom precedella

Result: Not great.

My display at KASF 2020 in absentia.

This year I decided to participate in the Royal Baker competition at Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival. The theme was pretty broad: 1 German sweet of your choice and 1 pretzel.

I had a lot of fun researching this project, even though ultimately it was disappointing. I learned a lot about dumplings in period, krapfen (empanada like fritters), a pear tart, and the origin of pretzels. The research was difficult to do, but in the end, I think I have a better understanding of German baking than I ever thought I would before.

Here is a link to my full documentation: KASF 2020 Entry

My main concerns with this project did come true. Due to some technical difficulties getting one of my main ingredients, my tart was a rush job and was definitely underbaked. I had gotten feedback from earlier testing that it was underspiced as well and needed dimension, and so I added some more cinnamon and added some cardamom to make it more interesting but I think I ended up overcorrecting. I have revised the recipe in the documentation to include these changes.

The results at the judges' table are somewhat disheartening, but for another reason. My tart and pretzels did not perform well largely because I deviated from the original recipes in an attempt to make them more palatable or to try to use different period relevant ingredients in them so as not to just straight up copy the work of others. This seemed to be the wrong tactic for the judges, which I understand. However, I stand by my entry's substitutions because ultimately for me, the food needs to be something I want to eat. If I wouldn't eat it, I won't present it. I wish there had been more technical commentary than there was. I knew the food had technical faults and wanted more advice to that end. But alas. I still learned a lot and will continue to keep baking and competing!


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